Socialist Alternative
Socialist Alternative activists with megaphone and flags marching in the streets

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Socialist Alternative is a revolutionary organization working to build a movement for a democratic, socialist society. We are campaigning for a new party of working people and fighting for an end to all capitalist oppression and exploitation!


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Trump Goes All In On Ethnic Cleansing

Last night, millions around the world gasped in horror as news reports of a White House press conference filtered through. A few short months after winning reelection on the promise of “making peace” in...

Trump Takes Office Again: Prepare For A Massive Fight Against The Far Right & Capitalism

Today, Donald Trump took office as President of the United States for the second time. In his inaugural speech, Trump promised to immediately send troops to the U.S.-Mexico border, declare that there are only...

Trump 2.0 — World Braces For Turmoil

The return of Donald Trump as US president marks a turning point for a global capitalist system in crisis and disarray. Trump’s economic and political agenda promises a new level of disruption and conflict...

The Working Class Must Fight Deportations

Socialist Alternative stands unequivocally against mass deportations. The working class is international because capitalism is international. The economic and social crises caused by the ruling class forces workers to abandon their homes, risk their...


━ workers' movement

━ war & resistance

━ fighting racism

━ women's rights

━ queer liberation

━ immigrant justice

Socialist Alternative stands in political solidarity with International Socialist Alternative, a revolutionary Marxist organizations with sections on every continent fighting for a socialist world!

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