what we stand for
Fight The Right With Independent Working-Class Politics
- Vote against war, imperialism, and oppression. Vote for the strongest independent left anti-war candidate, Jill Stein – not Kamala Harris or Trump!
- For a working-class alternative to the two corporate parties! Republicans are using divide-and-rule scapegoating against migrants and other oppressed communities because the GOP has no real answers to the questions facing working people. But the corporate Democratic Party offers no effective resistance to right-wing attacks and has repeatedly failed to use its majorities to protect our rights.
- Take the hundreds of millions of dollars labor unions waste on supporting Democrats every election year and use it to organize every worker into a union. Launch an independent political party that refuses corporate donations and fights to unite working-class people at the ballot box.
Socialist Alternative is an active organization with members across the country. Joining means basic agreement with our ideas and a commitment to putting them into action. Apply to join and a member in your area will reach out to you shortly!
Your monthly contribution will help us strengthen struggles around labor rights, the fight against racism, sexism, xenophobia, and homophobia, and build the socialist movement in the U.S. and around the world!
No to Imperialist Wars
- For an immediate, permanent ceasefire in Gaza; an end to US military aid to Israel; and an end to the occupation and siege of Palestine.
- Build a massive anti-war, anti-imperialist movement linking up student protests with workers across borders for an end to Israel’s massacre in Gaza. Challenge the capitalist imperialist powers, whose geopolitical chess game threatens to engulf the whole Middle East in war.
- Rebuild student protests in the fall! Labor unions should mobilize their resources and members demand a ceasefire, as UAW grad workers did in their strike at the University of California system.
- Socialist Alternative completely opposes Russian imperialism’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, as well as Ukraine’s recent invasion of Russian territory. We oppose military aid from Western imperialist countries, which only fuel this war and devastate the lives of workers in Ukraine and Russia.
- Socialist Alternative opposes the military build-up between US and Chinese imperialism, which threatens working people everywhere.
No Deportations & End Racist Policing
- No migrant detentions and deportations! No border wall expansion! We need full legalization and citizenship rights for all migrants.
- Rebuild a movement that unites immigrants and native-born workers against the billionaire class to fight for good union jobs, social housing, and education for all.
- Build a new immigrant rights movement independent of both corporate parties! The Democrats have betrayed immigrants both at the border and in major cities. Trump doesn’t offer any alternative.
- Arrest and convict killer cops! End the militarization of police; ban the use of crowd control weapons and disarm police on patrol.
- Put policing under the control of democratically-elected civilian boards with the power to subpoena, power over hiring and firing, and the power to review budget priorities.
- We need a struggle against all forms of racism in our society, including racist housing and education policies, that go beyond fighting to end racist policing. We need a new movement in the streets and mass organizations of struggle to fight for Black liberation!
Fight Attacks On Women & Trans People
- Free, safe, legal abortion now. All contraception should be provided at no cost as part of a broad program for reproductive health! Resist all right-wing attempts to criminalize abortions, and drop all charges against doctors and pregnant people who these laws have targeted.
- Fight back against brutal anti-trans legislation and all right-wing attacks on LGBTQ people. Full legal rights for all queer people. Build a movement to fight for good jobs, affordable housing, universal childcare, and gender-affirming Medicare for All.
- The labor movement needs to take a clear stand against these attacks. Unionized workers, like teachers who face retaliation under these same laws, should unite with students to organize mass non-compliance, strikes, and walkouts.
Tax the Rich & Invest In Our Basic Needs
- Fight inflation with significant wage increases! Billionaires keep getting richer while inflation eats more and more out of every paycheck working people receive.
- Medicare for All now. Take for-profit hospital chains out of the hands of greedy investors and incompetent managers, and run them under democratic workers’ control for the safety of staff and patients.
- Housing is a human right! Pass strong rent control. End economic evictions. Fund high-quality, permanently affordable, socially-owned housing where renters are legally protected from discrimination.
- Fully fund public education! End school privatization. Give educators an immediate 25% raise and increase staffing. Stop right-wing attacks on curriculum, like “Don’t Say Gay”. Ban standardized tests. Cancel all student debt and make public college tuition-free.
- Fully fund addiction and mental health services and job programs. Big Pharma profits off of the suffering and misery of working-class people. Corporations caused the fentanyl crisis, and untreated mental health is a massive problem. Fully fund addiction and mental health services and job programs.
- Permanently free and accessible testing and paid sick leave. Take Big Pharma into public ownership – vaccines should be for public health, not profit! Capitalism failed to stop COVID-19, with the “post-pandemic” new normal consisting of total indifference to public health. We must fight back.
- Bring back the COVID-era child tax credit and make it permanent. No cuts to food stamps!
Rebuild A Fighting Labor Movement
- Inflation, unaffordable healthcare, sky-high rents, and a lack of basic respect on the job are pushing hundreds of thousands of workers to go on strike. We need effective strikes that hit the bosses where it hurts most – their wallets – to win lasting victories like Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA).
- Unionize every worker. Autoworkers have launched a massive campaign to organize the South, a huge step toward building a united resistance to corporations and their political allies in both parties who profit most from keeping us divided.
- Demand union leaders stop rubbing elbows with corporate politicians and start laying the ground for a new independent worker’s party. Union leaders should accept the average wage of workers in their industry. These leaders should be accountable to their membership and the broader working class.
- An injury to one is an injury to all! Unions need to fight all manifestations of racism, sexism, queerphobia, and all forms of oppression as part of the struggle to rebuild a fighting labor movement.
End Climate Catastrophe & Create Green, Union Jobs
- Fight for green, union jobs! We need a unionized jobs program to rapidly expand green infrastructure including a massive expansion of free, high-quality, and fast public transit.
- For fully-funded emergency systems! We need fully-funded emergency systems to protect and evacuate people from ever-increasing storms, floods, and fires. Tax the rich to reimburse working people for their destroyed homes and livelihoods.
- Take real steps to address climate change. Both parties fund the US military, one of the biggest polluters in the world. Addressing climate change means ending war and cutting military budgets.
- Fossil fuels can’t coexist with a sustainable future – ban new oil and gas drilling and take the top 100 polluting companies into democratic public ownership, while implementing a democratically planned, just transition to 100% green energy!
The Whole System Is Guilty
- Capitalism produces pandemics, poverty, racism, transphobia, environmental destruction, and war. We need an international struggle against this failed system.
- Bring the top 500 companies and banks into democratic public ownership. Working-class people know how to manage their schools, workplaces, and communities better than out-of-touch executives and Wall Street investors.
- For a socialist world! This means a democratic socialist plan for the economy based on the common interests of working people and youth everywhere.