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Elizabeth Warren

Inflation Pains: Politicians Have No Answers

Food and energy prices are already between 13-20% higher than they were a year...

The Squad Endorses Bernie

October 16 was an important night for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign. His performance at...

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Fighting for Medicare for All

Millions of people are increasingly demanding an end to the dysfunctional U.S. healthcare system....

Democratic Debates: A Win for Progressive Ideas, Establishment Pushes Back

In July, the Democratic Party had another two nights of debates between a crowded...

Reparations: A Socialist Perspective

The 2020 presidential elections are in full swing, and all of the Democratic Party...

Sanders, Warren, and the Fight for Socialist Change

How Far Can Capitalism Be Reformed? The 2020 presidential election marks a dramatic shift in...

Democrats’ Divisions Deepen

Divisions continue to deepen within both major political parties, as the U.S. ruling class...

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