Socialist Alternative


Trump and Supreme Court Target Dreamers

Since June 2017, 700,000 Dreamers have faced an uncertain future. In 2012, these young...

Dreamers Betrayed – Mass Movement Urgently Needed

Editors Note: As this article went to press the Supreme Court declined to hear...

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I Occupied the Senate Building Demanding a Clean Dream Act

On February 7, I attended a day of action in Washington, D.C. calling for...

Democrats Cave on Shutdown – Mobilize NOW to Save DACA

The government shutdown which began on January 20 ended with a wave of fury...

DACA Deal Remains Uncertain

As we go to print, frantic political wrangling in Washington, D.C. is no closer...

Defend DREAMers and All Immigrants

Attacking immigrants was a central part of Trump’s election campaign and has been a...

Construyamos una resistencia masiva para defender DACA

¡Derechos completos para TODOS/AS los inmigrantes indocumentados/as! PDF. In English. Después de prometer a los Dreamers...

Trump Ends DACA – A Vicious Attack on Immigrant Youth

For a Mass Movement to Defend DACA and Fight for Full Rights for All...

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