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public transportation

Tax the Rich, Make Public Transit Free!

By Adam Burch, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1005 in Minnesota. Public transit across the U.S....

Tax the Rich to Fund the T: Boston Transit Cuts Highlight Need for Working-Class Mobilization

Ignoring public opposition, transit officials in Boston approved a sweeping set of service cuts...

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The Auto Industry, Jobs and a Green Future

Christian Bunke, Martina Gergits, Philipp Chmel, Stefan Brandl, Brettros, SLP (ISA in Austria) The automobile...

Iran: “Don’t use violence against people struggling to survive!” Demand Independent Iranian Unions

On January 5, independent trade unions in Iran issued a statement in support of...

Fight Privatization of Boston’s Public Transit!

Monday, November 20, marked a new attack on the working people of Greater Boston....

NYC Transit Crisis: “Make Wall Street Pay to Fix the MTA!”

In the heart of global capitalism, the six million New Yorkers who rely daily...

Seattle Mayor’s Business-as-Usual Budget Fails the 99%

We Need a People’s Budget that Funds Human Services, Affordable Housing, and Public Transit Download...

Brazilian Homeless Struggle and Metro Strike Heat Up As World Cup Approaches

New Stage of the Class Struggle André Ferrari, LSR (CWI in Brazil) In the context of...

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