Socialist Alternative


No Good Choices for Philadelphia’s 100th Mayor

On Tuesday, Philadelphians will vote in the Democratic primary election to elect the Democratic...

Working Class Chicagoans Have No Good Choice In Mayoral Runoff

The next mayor of Chicago will be elected on April 4 to decide who...

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John Laesch for Mayor: Building the Left in the Suburbs

Last summer the BLM movement brought mass protests to all fifty states. Suburbs and...

Massachusetts: City and State Officials Fail to Address Heroin Epidemic

This article describes an epidemic that has hit not just Massachusetts, but many other...

Chuy Takes on Chicago’s Mayor 1%

Despite President Obama’s personal intervention, Rahm Emanuel, Chicago’s “Mayor 1%,” has been forced into...

Newsletter of Councilmember Kshama Sawant #1

“This city has made glittering fortunes for the super wealthy while the needs of...

The Movement for $15 is Winning!

Now Close the Corporate Loopholes Across the U.S. and across the world, the struggles of...

Corporate Push-Back Against de Blasio Reforms

Populism Is Not Enough The election of populist Bill de Blasio as mayor of New...

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