Socialist Alternative


Women, Life, Freedom: Iran in Revolt Against Brutal Regime

Women, young people, and workers are revolting against the repressive, misogynistic, and corrupt ruling...

Turkey: President Erdogan Seeks Dictatorial Powers in April Referendum

Vote "NO" Gains Momentum If the referendum called by the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government...

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Syria: Is an End to the War in Sight?

New Movements for Change Will Need to Arm Themselves with the Lessons of the...

Syria: Horror Deepens in Aleppo

No Solution on Basis of Imperialism, Capitalism, and Landlordism Originally published at Over the past...

No End in Sight After Four Years of Civil War: Imperialism Worsens Disaster Facing Syrian People

Four years into a brutal civil war, Syria is back in the headlines because...

Massacre in Suruç, Turkey

Kurdish and Turkish people pay price for Erdoğan’s support for ISIS Reposted from, website...

Turkey: Historical Breakthrough for the Left as AKP Suffers its Worst Defeat in 13 Years

On election night, many left and Kurdish activists rallied and celebrated. The left, pro-Kurdish "Democratic Party of the People" (HDP) has won enough votes to enter Parliament.

End U.S. Middle East Interventions

Only Working People Can Defeat Terror and Oppression Another war with U.S. involvement has started...

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