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extreme weather

Natural Disasters Don’t Kill Equally

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake rocked the Moroccan province of Al Haouz last month, destroying...

California’s Brutal Winter

By Elliot Bartz, Reserve Trainee with Alameda County Fire (personal capacity). In an era of...

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The Concrete Truth: Fighting For A Climate-Resilient Future

2023 might become the first year a tornado kills someone in California, ever. In...

Winter Warnings: Extreme Conditions Show ‘New Normal’ Of Climate Destruction

The U.S. has recently experienced winter disasters unlike anything we’ve ever faced. These are...

Us Versus Them: Climate Edition

“The last best chance to get runaway climate change under control.” That’s how the United...

IPCC’s Report Shows Climate Cannot Wait — Fight for a Socialist Alternative!

The new IPCC climate report is vital, but flawed in one crucial respect: the...

Workers Freeze Due To Billionaire Greed

Capitalism left working people to die in the Texas cold, and the ensuing crisis...

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