Socialist Alternative


Corbyn Suspended from the British Labour Party: Time for a New Left Party to Fight the Tories

Socialist Alternative (ISA in England, Wales, and Scotland) Political Committee Condemn Corbyn’s suspensionOrganize now for...

Britain: Leaked Report Reveals Sabotage by Right Wing of the Labour Party

Organize to Fight the Right! Claire Laker-Mansfield, Socialist Alternative (ISA in England, Wales & Scotland) Poisonous,...

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Keir Starmer Wins Leadership of the British Labour Party: A Big Setback

Step up the fight for socialist policies! Paul Gerrard, Socialist Alternative (ISA in England, Wales...

Britain: Labour Leadership Race – Mobilize to Defend Socialist Policies

By Socialist Alternative (CWI in England, Wales & Scotland) Political Committee Labour’s 2019 election result...

British Elections: Final Countdown

The final countdown has begun. With less than a week left of election campaigning,...

Britain: Labour Must Remove Blairite Wreckers

Hannah Sell, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) For international solidarity against all oppression...

Missing the Point of Corbyn’s Rise

Corbyn: the strange rebirth of radical politics By Richard Seymour Published by Verso Books, 2017, $16.95 Reviewed by...

Britain: Russia, Spies and Nerve Agents

Peter Taaffe, general secretary, Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales) Jeremy Corbyn is broadly right...

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