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working class

Revolutionary Socialism and the Fight to Change the World

Young people today are living in a world rife with crisis. The cost of...

The Labor Movement Needs Its Own Political Party

In 2022, Americans’ approval of labor unions reached 71%. For those keeping score at...

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Squad Sells Out Rail Workers, GOP Hacks Cash In On Dem Betrayal

The very fact that there is a law on the books from 1926 that...

A Better World Is Possible

The climate crisis, global pandemics, war, inflation, the rise of the far right –...

A Socialist World Is Possible: What is Socialism, and How Could We Win It?

Record inequality, crippling debt, a devastating pandemic, unfulfilling and unsafe jobs, discrimination and abuse,...

Class Struggle: How is Change Won?

Today’s generation is growing up surrounded by crises. As they come of age, dead-end...

A Socialist Strategy to Win $15 – Lessons from Seattle

Millions of working people around the country, in the midst of this historic crisis...

Friedrich Engels: A Revolutionary Thinker for a World in Turmoil

Katia Hancke, Socialist Party (ISA in Ireland) Friedrich Engels was born 200 years ago, yet...

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