Socialist Alternative


Writers Beat Studios, Win Major Concessions

After 148 days on strike, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) forced the Association...

Do “Unfair Labor Practice” Strikes Bypass the Obstacles Workers Face When Fighting Their Boss?

By Justin Harrison, elected union officer in CWA 13000, currently retired, written in a...

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Nabisco Strike Shows Potential for Rank-and-File Militancy

Chicago Socialist Alternative members joined BCTGM strikers on the picket line at Nabisco/Mondelez South...

Mobilize to Win the PRO Act!

Rob Rooke is a former Local 713 Recording Secretary and Northern California Regional Council...

Socialist Alternative on the Ground: Chicagoland Nursing Home Strike

Zack Murstein is a member of UFCW Local 881 in Chicago, IL and a...

French Workers Heroic Resistance to Pension “Reform”

For 46 uninterrupted days that included the winter holidays, France was crippled by strikes...

Why You Should Join Socialist Alternative

Workers all over the country are facing extremely low wages, poor health care, housing...

International Workers Day Sees Increasing Class Struggle

Worldwide, May 1 is a working-class holiday. Originating in the fight for the eight-hour...

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