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John McDonnell

Corbyn Suspended from the British Labour Party: Time for a New Left Party to Fight the Tories

Socialist Alternative (ISA in England, Wales, and Scotland) Political Committee Condemn Corbyn’s suspensionOrganize now for...

Keir Starmer Wins Leadership of the British Labour Party: A Big Setback

Step up the fight for socialist policies! Paul Gerrard, Socialist Alternative (ISA in England, Wales...

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Britain: Labour Must Remove Blairite Wreckers

Hannah Sell, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) For international solidarity against all oppression...

Missing the Point of Corbyn’s Rise

Corbyn: the strange rebirth of radical politics By Richard Seymour Published by Verso Books, 2017, $16.95 Reviewed by...

Corbynism’s Critical Year

As Britain’s weak Tory government clings on – and numerous social, political and economic...

Britain: Labour Civil War Re-Erupts Over Haringey Regeneration Project

Hannah Sell, Socialist Party deputy general secretary The abolition of 'Clause IV Part IV' -...

Britain’s Earthquake Election: Consolidating the Corbyn Revolution

In April Theresa May called a snap general election with the Tories 20 points...

After the British Elections: May and Tories Must Go!

Organise, strike, resist, to fight for Corbyn's policies Hannah Sell, Socialist Party (CWI in England...

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