Socialist Alternative


Stop the Station and End Gentrification: Defund the Pittsburgh Police to Fund Housing!

Pittsburgh became a major flashpoint in the Black Lives Matter movement two years ago...

Profiteers Plunder Philly Hospital: Working-Class Fightback Needed

When you buy a hospital (how relatable!), you enter into an unwritten social contract...

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Seattle: The Showbox and the City

Earlier in the summer, the Seattle music and arts community was shocked when it...

Boston Says No to Olympics: Working People’s Victory Over Neoliberalism

On July 28, the bid to bring the summer Olympics to Boston was laid...

Residents Defeat Plan to Privatize and Demolish Glendale Townhomes

Statement from the Defend Glendale Campaign Following months of protests, residents of Glendale Townhomes, a...

Residents Resist Public Housing Privatization Plan in Minneapolis

“Where are we going to go? Where are all of these hundreds of children...

Where Do We Go From Here? After the Baltimore Rebellion

The decision by Baltimore’s top prosecutor Marilyn Mosby to charge six police officers in the death of Freddie Gray is a welcome and important short term victory for Baltimore. But this is a long way from securing a conviction.

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