Socialist Alternative


Building the Fight for Rent Control in Seattle

After a few months of declining apartment rents during the worst of COVID, Seattle’s...

Petition to Seattle City Council: Give All Renters Facing Eviction the Right to a Lawyer!

Seattle has long been experiencing a housing and homelessness crisis, well before the pandemic...

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As 2021 Begins: American Capitalism Faces Multifaceted Crisis

It is clear we are living through a historic transition in the U.S. A devastating...

Politicians Play With Our Lives: Struggle Needed to Win the Relief We Need

The U.S. government has not provided any relief for ordinary Americans in four months....

Partisan Bickering Instead of Relief: Working People Need Resources for Second Wave of COVID-19

In October, the dreaded second wave of COVID-19 infections began - including the worst...

Rent Strike 2020: Evictions Threaten Communities of Color

Racism is built into the foundations of our for-profit housing system. The coming economic...

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