Socialist Alternative


What Will It Really Take To Solve The Student Debt Crisis?

The federal moratorium on student debt payments ends today, meaning student loan interest payments...

College Admissions Scandal: The Myth of Meritocracy Under Capitalism

In March, news broke of the indictment of dozens of individuals who had participated...

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Socialist Students Takes Off

Young people today are growing up in a system facing fundamental crisis. Our living...

Socialist Students Launched Nation Wide

Starting with Occupy Wall St. five years ago, and moving through the Fight for...

#MillionStudentMarch Day of Action April 13: Political Revolution in the Streets

On November 12, the first #MillionStudentMarch took place on campuses across the United States....

Why We Need Free Public Higher Education Now

Like the struggle to win a $15 an hour minimum wage, the movement for free public higher education in the United States has gained significant momentum over the past two years.

The Corinthian 15: Standing Against Student Debt

We in the United States are trapped in a viscous cycle when it comes...

Challenging Colleges’ Silence on Sexual Violence

Growing Resistance to Violence Against Women There is a noticeable shift in the country. Women...

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