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$15 in 2015

15 Gains Ground in Oregon, Minneapolis, and Philadelphia

Could Oregon Be the First State to Win 15? Justin Norton-Kertson, 15 Now PDX The movement...

Fight for $15 in All 50

According to a January Hart Research poll, 63% of the country now supports a $15 federal minimum wage. The time is right for the big unions to help launch an all-out national campaign

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How Seattle Won $15

También en español The fight for a $15 an hour minimum wage is gaining further...

63% Support a $15 Federal Minimum Wage

In the wake of Seattle and San Francisco passing minimum wage ordinances for $15 in 2014, a new poll conducted by Hart Research Associates shows 63% of respondents support raising the minimum wage to $15

15 Now Mobilizing for Black Friday and December 4th Actions

Across the country 15 Now is mobilizing for a week of strikes and actions by low wage workers, starting with Black Friday actions targeting Walmart, and culminating on December 4th with fast food strikes and other actions. Below is the text of a leaflet 15 Now chapters will be distributing at these actions, pointing the way forward for "$15 in 2015."

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