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the squad

As Israel Bombs Gaza, Congress Targets Rashida Tlaib

The House of Representatives, including both Republicans and over 20 Democrats, voted on November...

What Does The Debt Ceiling Agreement Mean For Working People?

Democratic President Joe Biden and Republican House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy got the approval...

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The Most (Un)Democratic Primary In Decades

As the presidential primary season begins to heat up, Joe Biden’s numbers are a...

Squad Sells Out Rail Workers, GOP Hacks Cash In On Dem Betrayal

The very fact that there is a law on the books from 1926 that...

Who’s In Charge? The Landscape Of American Politics After The Midterms

When Trump was running for office, he was lambasted by liberals for his protectionist...

Rail Workers Betrayed By Biden & The “Squad”

When AOC and other members of the “Squad” were first elected, most of them...

Democrats Sell Out Rail Workers To Protect Billionaire Execs

The U.S. House voted earlier today to crush a potential nationwide rail worker strike...

What Happened To Medicare For All?

For the American working class, navigating the for-profit maze of insurers, providers, pharmacies, and...

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