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social housing

Paying for Mold and Broken Doors: Rainier Court Tenants Fight Unsafe Conditions & Rent Increases

On a characteristically cloudy, winter Seattle morning, three organizers from Socialist Alternative’s City Councilmember...

Prop B in Austin: Criminalizing Homelessness is Not a Solution

On May 1st Proposition B was passed in Austin, Texas, making it a criminal...

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Tax Amazon Action Conference: Building a Grassroots, Democratic Movement

"We are ready to fight! Housing is a human right!" rang throughout Washington Hall...

Tax Amazon: Make Billionaires Pay!

In an electrifying rally on January 13, 500 people rallied to celebrate Councilmember Sawant’s...

“Seattle is Dying”: Housing Crisis Fuels Polarization in City Council Elections

A “sensationalized spree of fear and hate-mongering,” is how Seattle’s Crosscut aptly characterized KOMO-TV’s...

Evict Corporate Developers – Build Social Housing

Movements of working people and renters, not greedy capitalists, will solve Seattle’s housing crisis. The...

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