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Peter Taaffe

Over 600 People Attend Russian Revolution Rally in Barcelona

CWI and Izquierda Revolucionaria hold successful rally in defence of the October Revolution The international...

Britain: Are Trotskyists Everywhere?

Michael Barker, Socialist Party (CWI in England and Wales) Originally published at The mainstream media...

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Europe in the Aftermath of the Brexit Shock

Report from the CWI School Brexit provided the dramatic backdrop to the discussion on Europe...

In England, Over 1,000 Attend Largest Ever ‘Socialism’ Event

"I feel at home here." Those were the words so many of the people attending Socialism 2014 used to describe their response to this Socialist Party weekend event.

Largest-Ever Socialist Alternative National Convention

It was a fever pitch as the largest-ever Socialist Alternative National Convention met for...

History of the Committee for a Workers’ International

To mark the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Committee for a Workers’...

National Assembly Represents Growth of Socialist Alternative

Members of Socialist Alternative from twenty-five cities across the US gathered on April 27th...

“$15 in Seattle is not the end – It is the beginning!”

Reposted from The first 15 Now national conference’s call to action on the great...

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