Socialist Alternative


We Can’t Trust the Courts to Protect Reproductive Rights: Defend Roe v. Wade!

The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) announced it will take on its first major challenge...

Nissan Workers Reject UAW – Setback for the Labor Movement

August 4 - In a serious defeat, Nissan workers in Canton, Mississippi decided against...

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Nissan Workers Organize in the Deep South

As the sun set on March 4, a new and important step was made...

La Lucha por la Libertad de los Afroamericanos

El asesinato de Mike Brown por un agente de policía en Ferguson, Missouri, como la de Emmett Till de 14 años cometido por racistas en Mississippi en 1955, ha ayudado en encender un movimiento masivo.

Fight for Black Freedom!

Mass movements in reaction to the murders of Emmett Till in 1955 and Mike Brown last year have become a way to tell the world that Black lives are just as important as that of any other human being.

Can a Left Alternative to the Two Corporate Parties be Built?

The potential to build a mass party for working people in the U.S. has...

The Election Victory of Chokwe Lumumba

On July 1, 2013, renowned radical lawyer, black nationalist, and Jackson City Council member...

Struggles in the South Against Reactionary Legislation

Grace McGee, Mobile, Alabama “Young women need to know that abortion rights and abortion access...

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