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Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva

From the First “Pink Tide” to the Second: What Lessons for Today?

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, propelled by mass movements of the working...

Brazil: Mobilize The Working Class Against Coup Attempt

The serious events of yesterday, January 8, confirm once again that the fight against...

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World Perspectives: Capitalist System Faces Political and Social Upheavals

The underlying crisis of world capitalism has, as we predicted, significantly deteriorated in the...

Brazil: Lula Conviction Confirmed

For unity in the struggle against attacks without stopping to build a new Left...

Elections in Brazil: Narrow Win for Dilma Sets Scene for More Crisis and Instability

by André Ferrari, LSR (CWI in Brazil) In the second round of Presidential elections, the current...

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