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Immigrant Rights

Socialist Strategy To Stop Deportations

Tens of thousands of people took the streets the first week in February to...

Far-Right Targets Our Schools: Teachers, Immigrants & Socialists Fight Back!

In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, teachers, immigrants, and socialists are fighting back against a far-right principal...

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¡ICE Fuera de Hospitales y Escuelas!

Inglés A las pocas horas de asumir el cargo, Trump comenzó su pleno ataque contra...

The Working Class Must Fight Deportations

Socialist Alternative stands unequivocally against mass deportations. The working class is international because capitalism...

Border Deal Shows The Crisis Facing Both Democrats & Republicans

Congress has been in a gridlock for most of February over the border deal...

Right-Wing Politicians Throw Migrants Under (and onto) The Bus

Texas Governor Greg Abbott sent the first busload of immigrants to Washington nearly two...

Biden Fills The Gaps In Trump’s Border Wall

The brutality experienced by asylum-seekers at the border did not end with the expiration...

Haitian Refugees Brutalized at the Border

Social media was rocked recently by horrific images of Customs and Border Patrol agents...

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