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foreign policy

Biden’s Foreign Policy: Back to Normal Imperialism?

During the election, Biden promised that, as president, he would “repair the damage wrought...

Chaos in Middle East Amid Global Power Shifts

Since his election, Donald Trump’s foreign policy in the Middle East has grown increasingly...

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Can the U.S. and China End Their Trade War?

Trump’s “easy to win” trade war drags on despite intensive efforts to make a...

Trump Provocations Destabilize Middle East – Defend Palestinians; Build A Movement Against War

Recent weeks have seen the Trump administration engage in a series of provocations in...

Trump Administration Damaged and Unpredictable

A damaged Trump administration continues to hunt for a way forward from the series...

Sanders’ Foreign Policy Falls Short: Socialism Means Internationalism

It is beyond question that the key issues which have attracted millions of ordinary...

How the War Machine Was Stopped: 40 Years Since The Vietnam War

Forty years ago, on April 30 at 7:53 in the morning, the Marine helicopter...

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