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energy crisis

Intensifying UK Strike Wave: A New Winter Of Discontent

Everyday in the United Kingdom another headline appears with a new strike being announced....

Energy Crisis Threatens Millions: War & Winter Bring Sky-High Prices

“Unprecedented.” “New normal.” “Trying times.” The ruling class hoped that COVID was a blip...

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Historic Class Confrontation in the New “Sick Man of Europe”

Originally published September 6 at During the last global “stagflationary” crisis, in the 1970s,...

Inflation Now, Recession Soon: Capitalists Want Us to Pay for Their Crisis

Working people in the U.S. are facing the worst inflation in 40 years. Gas...

Rising Prices Hit Young Workers Hardest: War, Inflation, and the World We Really Need

Millions of retirees on fixed incomes are panicking. Young people stuck in low-paid jobs...

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