Socialist Alternative


Spanish State: Elderly Left Alone to Die as Coronavirus Crisis Spreads

All Power to the Balconies! John Hird, Socialismo Revolucionario (ISA in the Spanish state) The COVID-19...

Spanish State: New Government but Instability and Polarization Continue

Only the struggle on the streets will bring about real change for the working...

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Catalonia: General Strike Today… Intensify the Struggle!

Escalate the general strike tactic, build the movement democratically from below  By John Hird &...

Committee for a Workers International School Report

Socialist Alternative is connected in political solidarity to the broad, cross-border movement for a...

Catalonia in Revolt

A Spanish capitalist crisis In last year’s uprising in Catalonia, bitterness at national oppression merged...

An Answer to Pablo Iglesias

The struggle for Catalan independence has re-awakened the masses in the past few months,...

Catalan Elections: Historic Defeat for Spanish Nationalist Reaction

Esquerra Revolucionaria (CWI in Catalonia) Movement mobilises once more for the Catalan Republic The Catalan elections...

Why Has the Scottish Government Refused to Recognise an Independent Catalonia?

By Matt Dobson, Socialist Party Scotland (CWI in Scotland) There have been large protests in...

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