Socialist Alternative


20 Years On: Lessons from Youth Against War and Racism

Andy Moxley is a former YAWR activist. World capitalism is embarking on an era of...

Syrian Dictatorship Collapses—What Next For War-Ravaged Region?

Jubilant crowds on the streets of Damascus have been celebrating what until recently seemed...

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Is Trump Anti-War?

War, rearmament and militarism are on the rise globally. Young people and workers opposed...

One Year of Massacre in Gaza

October 7th marked one year since the Hamas attack which sparked the unprecedented brutal...

World Powers Prepare For New Global Conflict

This article was published in Socialist Alternative’s October paper, before the Iranian government launched...

Stop Israel’s Bloodthirsty Government’s Attack on Lebanon!

Editors’ note: On September 27 the Israeli military unleashed a massive bombardment of the...

Netanyahu’s Bloody Capitalist Government is the Most Dangerous Force in the Region

With the Middle East on the brink of a regional war, and as the...

I Spent My Summer Fighting for Revolutionary Change

Young people everywhere are grappling with the horrors of war and imperialism, attacks on...

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