Socialist Alternative


Vote Ginger Jentzen! “The Candidate Who’s Not for Sale” Minneapolis Ward 3

In Minneapolis, Socialist Alternative member Ginger Jentzen’s City Council campaign is shaking the political...

Socialist Students Launched Nation Wide

Starting with Occupy Wall St. five years ago, and moving through the Fight for...

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The Case for Socialism

Seemingly out of nowhere, over the last few years, socialist ideas swept in from...

Bernie Sanders calls for Political Revolution against Billionaires

Over the next year the main arena for discussion and debate on anti-corporate politics will be within and around Sanders campaign. All those forces which recognize the vital need for independent left politics need to orient towards the likely big audience which will gather around Bernie.

Kshama Sawant Gives #SocialistResponse to Obama’s State of the Union Address

On January 20, 2015 Socialist Alternative member and Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant gave...

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