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Socialist Party England and Wales

Britain’s Earthquake Election: Consolidating the Corbyn Revolution

In April Theresa May called a snap general election with the Tories 20 points...

Britain: Massive Demonstration Shows Battle to Save the NHS Can Be Won

Up to 250,000 March in National Protest, Organized from Below For hours they poured off...

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How Socialists and the Poll Tax Movement Drove Thatcher Out of Office

Margaret Thatcher, the so called "Iron Lady," resigned as British Tory prime minister on...

England Plans Resist Trump Protests on January 20

On January 20, 2017, a racist, sexist billionaire is set to assume the status...

Corbyn victory Another Step to Transforming Labour

Three months ago 172 MPs - three quarters of the Parliamentary Labour Party -...

After the Brexit Referendum: Tories Out! General Election Now

Fight for a 24-Hour General Strike Originally published by the Socialist Party of England and...

Britain: Corbyn victory!

Jeremy Corbyn’s victory for Labour Party leader has lifted the confidence of all those who oppose austerity and has already dealt a blow to the establishment.

Kazakhstan: Persecuted Activists Speak Out

It is clear that a wave of arrests and repression against left and social...

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