Socialist Alternative


Coronavirus in Central and Eastern Europe

Covid-19 Spreads Eastwards in the EU The lack of testing for Covid-19 in the newer...

Collapse of the Soviet Union: National Conflicts and Independence

The Stalinist system across Eastern Europe, particularly in the former Soviet Union proved incapable...

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Romania: Capitalist Restoration and the Need for a Socialist Alternative

30 years ago, people took to the streets against the Stalinist regime of Ceaușescu,...

Poland: The Far Right and Reactionary Ideas in Central and Eastern Europe

The last three months of 1989 saw the transition of Poland from a Stalinist...

Collapse of the Soviet Bloc 1989

Revolutionary movement with counter-revolutionary consequences Rob Jones – Sotsialisticheskaya Alternativa (Russia) This article is the first...

Romania: Biggest Street Protests Since 1989

What Position Should the Left Take? Mass street protests erupted at the end of January...

Europe in the Aftermath of the Brexit Shock

Report from the CWI School Brexit provided the dramatic backdrop to the discussion on Europe...

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