Socialist Alternative


From the First “Pink Tide” to the Second: What Lessons for Today?

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, propelled by mass movements of the working...

Peru: Down with the Coup of the Peruvian Oligarchy Against Pedro Castillo!

Originally published December 9 at After attempting to dissolve Congress and decreeing a government...

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The Revolutionary Legacy of Antonio Gramsci

Massimo Amadori, Resistenze Internazionali (ISA in Italy) Antonio Gramsci is certainly one of the most...

Book Review: A Flawed Manifesto

The Socialist Manifesto: The Case for Radical Politics in an Era of Extreme Inequalityby...

The Revolutionary Ideas of Rosa Luxemburg

January 15 marked the 101st anniversary of the murder of the outstanding revolutionary socialist...

France 1981-84: From Hope to the “Austerity Turn”

Failure of the Mitterand government May 10, 1981. In Paris, 200,000 people gathered at the...

Kautsky and the Parliamentary Road to Socialism – A Reply to Eric Blanc

We are living through a dramatic period in U.S. history. While the Trump presidency...

Sanders, Warren, and the Fight for Socialist Change

How Far Can Capitalism Be Reformed? The 2020 presidential election marks a dramatic shift in...

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