Socialist Alternative


Tax Amazon: Big Business Needs to Pay for the Failures of Capitalism!

As the coronavirus pandemic shuts down normal life, millions of working people faced with...

The Fight to Defend Union Rights In Missouri

In Missouri, where unions have long been on the defensive, there is a growing...

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Spain/Catalonia: Mass action needed to bring down PP government!

For a Catalan socialist republic! On October 1, Catalonia looked like a territory under military...

Italy: Big Defeat for Renzi in Referendum Vote

Resignation Opens Opportunity for Workers and Youth to Fight for a Better Future Editorial from...

Britain: Referendum Revolt – Capitalist establishment shattered

Peter Taaffe, from Socialism Today (issue No.200, July-August 2016) When faced with a popular revolt...

Greece: 20 September elections – ‘No’ to the Memorandum parties!

Mass revolutionary Left needed to find way out of crisis of capitalist system

“La clase obrera demostró que volverá a la lucha”: Entrevista con un socialista griego

Después de la capitulación de Syriza, dando los primeros pasos hacia la construcción de...

“The Working Class Showed it Will Return to Struggle”: Interview with a Greek Socialist

After Syriza capitulates, taking first steps towards building a new mass Left alternative to...

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