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HomeTagsPharmaceutical companies

pharmaceutical companies

Your Money Or Your Life: Pharmaceutical Giant Holds Lifesaving HIV “Vaccine” Hostage

HIV has been the sword dangling over the head of the LGBTQ community for...

$65,000 a Minute: Big Pharma Profits Soar from Vaccine Monopolies

Moderna released its 2021 annual report which showed the pharmaceutical giant made $12.2 billion...

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An Inoculation Against Pharmaceutical Price-Gouging

By Sophie Scholl and Jacob Druker In 2004, as governments around the world panicked over...

Sackler Family Profiting Off Of Addiction – Big Pharma and the Opioid Crisis

Revelations from recent lawsuits demonstrate that Purdue Pharma and its founders and owners, the...

Rebuffing Clinton’s Attacks on Single-Payer Health Care

Single-payer health care, according to presidential candidate Hillary Clinton “will never, ever come to...

Obamacare Upheld by Supreme Court

Even with the favorable court decision today, one thing is clear, we need a better system. Unions that organize health care workers should lead the way, mobilizing to defend working families from attacks like King v. Burwell and fighting for a universal health care system for all.

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