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mass movement

Movimiento Popular en Puerto Rico Echa al Gobernador – ¡Cancelación de la Deuda!

Actualizado el 8 de Agosto. ¡Somos más, y no tenemos miedo! Después de más de una...

The Rise of the Yellow Vest Movement in France

"Yellow Vests" ("Gilets Jaune" named after roadside-safety vests) are a mass popular movement against...

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Why We Need Free Public Higher Education Now

Like the struggle to win a $15 an hour minimum wage, the movement for free public higher education in the United States has gained significant momentum over the past two years.

Refugee Crisis: Defend the Right to Asylum

Unite against austerity and struggle for a better life for all

“The Working Class Showed it Will Return to Struggle”: Interview with a Greek Socialist

After Syriza capitulates, taking first steps towards building a new mass Left alternative to...

How the War Machine Was Stopped: 40 Years Since The Vietnam War

Forty years ago, on April 30 at 7:53 in the morning, the Marine helicopter...

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