Socialist Alternative


War of Words on Mar-a-Lago Raid Heats Up – We Can’t Rely on the State to Fight Trump

The FBI raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate on August 8 was presented as...

City Hall Makes Big Promises in Response to Minneapolis Rebellion

Two weeks after the dawn of a working-class rebellion, led by young people of...

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The Revolutionary Legacy of Science for the People

Earth Day of 2017 saw the first March for Science, the biggest coordinated demonstrations...

No to the FBI’s Social Media Task Force

The FBI’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election has taken on a...

Book Review: Trotskyists on Trial

Book Review Trotskyists on Trial Free Speech and Political Persecution Since the Age of FDR by Donna...

El escándalo Comey continúa: El régimen de Trump se enfrenta a una crisis creciente

El despido del director del FBI James Comey ha llevado a una espiral de...

Comey Scandal Continues: Trump Regime Faces Deepening Crisis

Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey last week has led to a spiraling...

Hong Kong: When Edward Snowden Went Underground With Refugees

Socialist Action’s Vanessa Gave Shelter to On-the-Run Snowden Heroic generosity by Hong Kong refugees, women and...

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