Socialist Alternative


Do “Unfair Labor Practice” Strikes Bypass the Obstacles Workers Face When Fighting Their Boss?

By Justin Harrison, elected union officer in CWA 13000, currently retired, written in a...

Reformist vs. Revolutionary Politics: A Debate Between Kshama Sawant, Bryan Koulouris, and Eric Blanc

On July 28, Bhaskar Sunkara, president of The Nation, facilitated a debate between Eric...

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Democratic Socialists of America: The Case for Strong Independent Campaigns to Build the Left in 2018

At their January meeting, the DSA National Political Committee discussed the Refoundation proposals outlined...

VIDEO: Socialism in the Era of Trump – A Discussion With Socialist Alternative and DSA

This video features a discussion about the way forward for the socialist movement with...

Debate: Socialists and the Bernie Sanders Campaign

Socialist Alternative (SA) and the International Socialist Organization (ISO) are publishing an exchange on...

Video: Kshama Sawant Debates #BernieOrBust on Democracy Now!

Kshama Sawant on Democracy Now! about why she is petitioning Bernie to run as...

VIDEO: Kshama Sawant Debates Her Opponent

Socialist Alternative Seattle City councilmember Kshama Sawant debates her opponent on rent control and the influence of corporate money in politics.

DEBATE: Rent Control in Seattle – Sawant & Licata vs. Manweller & Valdez

Should rent control be part of a bold and comprehensive set of solutions to the dire affordable housing shortage in Seattle?

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