Socialist Alternative


Strike Wave Rocks Bangladesh After Government Overthrown

The mass struggle in Bangladesh is at a decisive point. A month after the...

Bangladesh: Youth-Led Revolution Gets Rid of Dictator

In less than two months, the Bangladeshi masses have thrown off the yoke of...

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November 25: Socialist Feminist Struggle Against Gender Violence!

Reposted from (website of the Committee for a Workers' International) “We are not silent....

Myanmar: ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ of Rohingya Causes Worldwide Outrage

What was a slow-burning conflict between the government of Myanmar (Burma) and the Rohingya...

Bangladesh: Hartal Protest Against Power Plant

Follows mass strike of garment workers in December Pete Mason, Socialist Party (CWI in England...

50,000 Strike at Chinese Sports Shoe Manufacturers

Local government, police, and company bosses coordinate crackdown. It is one of the biggest strikes...

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