Socialist Alternative

Erin Brightwell

Why Some Black Voters Are Abandoning The Democrats

You can practically hear the hands wringing all the way from Washington as Democratic Party strategists assess the latest round of poll data showing...

Cornel West’s Campaign Needs To Urgently Overcome Challenges

The longtime civil rights leader and left-wing intellectual Cornel West has been a welcome entrant into what is otherwise shaping up to be a...

The Most (Un)Democratic Primary In Decades

As the presidential primary season begins to heat up, Joe Biden’s numbers are a cause for concern for Democratic party strategists. In a late...

Women, Life, Freedom: Iran in Revolt Against Brutal Regime

Women, young people, and workers are revolting against the repressive, misogynistic, and corrupt ruling regime in Iran. The mass movement began in mid-September in...

Educators, Parents, and Students: Unite Against Bipartisan Attacks to Public Schools!

Teacher shortages, particularly in schools that primarily serve lower income students and schools in rural areas, are not new. But like a lot of...