Socialist Alternative

Andros Payiatsos

Greece: “Guilty” — Golden Dawn Verdict a Victory for the Anti-Fascist...

Andros Payiatsos, Xekinima (ISA in Greece) October 7 is a day of historical importance for the working class, the anti-fascist movement and the social movements...

Ascenso y caída de Syriza

El 5 de julio de 2015 se celebró en Grecia un histórico referéndum contra el memorando de austeridad de la troika, el resultado fue...

The Rise and Fall of Syriza

On 5 July 2015 a historic referendum took place in Greece against the European troika’s austerity memorandum, with a tremendous 61.5% majority vote for...

Greece: If the Troika Does Not Back Down?

Three out of four Greeks support the government’s position which is seen as standing up to the Troika. This shows huge potential, if linked to a clear pro-worker, socialist programme, for a mass mobilization of workers

Greece’s Syriza Tops Poll in Euro Elections – CWI supporters elected...

Syriza, the left party in Greece, is now the first party – 3.9 % ahead of right wing capitalist party New Democracy in the European elections. But this difference is mainly due to loss of support for New Democracy. Syriza’s vote has actually decreased since the June 2012 elections by 138,000 votes – a significant loss, amounting to more than 8% of its 2012 vote.