Socialist Alternative


War & Starvation in Sudan — For A New Revolutionary Movement

The ongoing civil war in Sudan, which began in April 2023, has had devastating...

Sudan: Counterrevolutionary Forces Fall Out

Originally published April 19 at Since the early morning of Saturday, April 15,...

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Sudan: In the Grip of Warlords and the Janjaweed Militia

Two years after the revolution that overthrew the dictatorship of Omar Al-Bashir, shedding the...

The New Israeli-Arab “Peace” Deal

With the outbreak of the “normalization” of relations between Israel and UAE and Bahrain,...

Sudan: A Year After Al Bashir’s Ouster

Covid-19 exposes the dire situation facing the people more than a year after Al...

Coronavirus in Africa: Capitalism Driving a Continent Into the Abyss

Serge Jordan, ISA The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown into sharp relief the profound social inequalities...

North Africa and the Revolutionary Processes in Algeria and Sudan

Resolution approved by CWI International Executive Committee By bringing down two long-standing dictators within a...

CWI International Executive Committee Discusses World Perspectives

A historic meeting of the CWI’s International Executive Committee (IEC) took place in Belgium...

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