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Ralph Nader

Debunking The “Spoiler Effect”

Democratic Strategists are beside themselves with lesser evilist apoplexy over Cornel West’s independent socialist...

Remembering the 2000 Election: Democratic Party Betrayal

The events surrounding the 2000 election, while greatly misunderstood, still cast a huge shadow...

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Deeply Damaged, the Two Parties Limp to the Finish Line

The country is “slouching towards the mutual assured destruction of our political system.” -...

A Contested Legacy: Ralph Nader’s Challenge to the Two-Party System

The specter of Ralph Nader has haunted the Democratic Party throughout the final months...

A Response to Howie Hawkins: How to Win Sanders Supporters to Independent Working-Class Politics

Socialist Alternative has greeted the radical, anti-corporate, working class platform of Sanders. At the same time we have explained that the Democratic Party is a dead end

Giving Left Cover to the Democrats – Feingold Joins Obama’s Re-Election Campaign

When socialists argue that the Democratic Party is completely corporatized, many working people genuinely...

Book Review: North Star: A Memoir, by Peter Camejo

Peter Camejo was a well-known political activist from his work in the Vietnam anti-war...

Review of An Unreasonable Man, A New Documentary About Ralph Nader

Anyone concerned about the challenges – and possibilities – of building a movement against...

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