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quantitative easing

It’s the End of the European Union as We Know It

The future of the European Union is currently expressed in the battle over resources...

EU in Crisis and COVID-19

Finghín Kelly, Socialist Party (ISA in Ireland) Last month saw a major clash between eurozone...

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CWI IEC Meeting: Resolution on World Economic Crisis

We are rapidly approaching a decisive turning point in world relations with a slowdown...

World Relations: Open Splits at G7 Jamboree

Robert Bechert, CWI International Secretariat G7 Failure, Penalty Tariffs Reflect Capitalist World Disorder Trump’s claims of...

Ten Years Since the Crash

What now for the world economy? All is not well with capitalism. Economic jitters parallel...

Britain: Socialism is Back!

Socialist ideas have been developed over centuries in the course of humanity’s fight for a better life. Today they remain the only viable alternative in an increasingly unstable and brutal, capitalist world.

China Crisis Triggers Panic on Global Markets

More than $5 trillion wiped off global stock markets in two weeks since Chinese...

Corbyn Challenge in Britain — A Very Welcome Political Upheaval

As the Labour Party prepares to send out ballots for its leadership contest, The Socialist asked Judy Beishon some questions on the Socialist Party’s view of Jeremy Corbyn’s challenge so far.

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