Socialist Alternative


Southern Europe: New Economic Crisis, Old Structural Causes

Fighting Left Alternative Desperately Needed Vladimir Bortun, Nikos Anastasiadis, Athina Kariati, Jonas Von Vossole, Guiliano...

Revolution in Portugal 1974

Forty-five years ago Portugal’s dictatorship collapsed when a military coup unleashed a revolutionary tide...

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Portuguese Dockers Strike Against Union Busting

João Félix, Cardiff West Socialist Party and CWI Portugal Portuguese dockers took strike action across...

Europe in the Aftermath of the Brexit Shock

Report from the CWI School Brexit provided the dramatic backdrop to the discussion on Europe...

Euro Polls Warning

In country after country, May’s elections to the European parliament saw governments and traditional...

Portugal: Thousands of Police and Military March in Lisbon

Reflection of the government’s intrinsic weakness Jose David Gregorio, Socialismo Revolucionario (CWI in Portugal) For some...

Another year of mass struggles beckons

Peter Taaffe, General Secretary of the Socialist Party (CWI England and Wales), reviews the developments and events of 2013 in Britain and worldwide, and discusses further struggles in 2014 and the development of the workers’ movement.

Crisis in Europe and the Socialist Alternative

In the face of a deepening crisis, the markets, and the capitalist governments that...

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