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New Jim Crow

Rebelión contra la violencia policial. Es urgente y necesario un movimiento de masas unido

Levantamientos en Tulsa y Charlotte En lo que va de año han sido asesinadas por...

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2016 Elections: Black Lives Matter and the Democratic Party Trap

As we head toward 2016, the presidential election will increasingly dominate U.S. politics, drawing...

1865 – Un Punto de Inflexión Revolucionario en la Historia de EE.UU.

Un análisis marxista de la Guerra Civil de EE.UU. revela que no sólo es provocar el fin de la esclavitud , pero también puede ser descrito como verdaderamente Segunda Revolución de Estados Unidos.

1865: A Revolutionary Turning Point in U.S. History

A Marxist analysis of the U.S. Civil War reveals that not only did it bring about the end of slavery, but it can also truly be described as America's Second Revolution.

Mass Incarceration and the Racist Drug Laws

The Black Lives Matter movement has brought into public debate the issue of police killings of black people and rampant racism in police departments.

Book Review: Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness

Today the United States of America has become the leading society in world history...

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