Socialist Alternative


Uber & Lyft Threaten To Leave Minneapolis Over Driver Pay – Time To Fight Back!

Adam Burch is a Minneapolis bus driver and a member of ATU Local 1005,...

Minneapolis, 1934: When Socialists Led A General Strike Of Teamsters

2024 may go down in history as a turning point for the labor movement...

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Minneapolis Teachers: No Trust in Mediation, Build the Strike Fund, Prep for Strike Now

Jason Hardwig is a shop steward in the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers Local 59...

Unite Minneapolis Teachers & ESPs Now!

Jason Hardwig is an ESP steward at the FAIR School for Arts representing the...

As Eviction Wave Looms Nationally, Twin Cities Democrats Gut Rent Control

By December, the Census Bureau predicts that 3.8 million people will likely be evicted...

Why Was Ilhan Omar’s Primary Election So Close?

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey was quick to declare victory on primary night. His chosen...

Strikebreaking Minneapolis School Board Moves Forward with Privatization Plan

Jason Hardwig is an educator and member of Minneapolis Federation of Teachers Local 59...

Minneapolis Educators Strike: Strategy Matters in the Fight Against Corporate Servants

By Luke Gitar, Minneapolis Federation of Teachers Steward & 5th Grade Teacher For three weeks...

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