Socialist Alternative


China’s State Capitalist Imperialism

In the first of a two-part article Per-Åke Westerlund looks at the rise of...

China, Hong Kong, Taiwan: How Do Marxists Approach the National Question?

First published in the Socialist (社会主义者‏) magazine, ISA in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan More...

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Kautsky and the Parliamentary Road to Socialism – A Reply to Eric Blanc

We are living through a dramatic period in U.S. history. While the Trump presidency...

China Miéville’s October Defends Revolution but Fails to Counter Anti-Bolshevik Slanders

Per-Åke Westerlund (first published in the Swedish socialist paper, Offensive) One hundred years after the...

“Finland Station” and the Struggle for Socialism Today

A Response to Bhaskar Sunkara At the end of June, in the midst of a...

No, Trumpism is nothing like Leninism

Steve Bannon, chief strategist to US President Donald Trump, once called himself “a Leninist” – to the delight of Victor Sebestyen, a journalist for the Times, Spectator, and Standard.

10 Books that Shook the World: The State and Revolution, by V. I. Lenin

“The U.S. government does not represent the interests of the majority of the country's citizens,...

Review: Lenin’s revolutionary legacy

‘Lenin’ by Lars T Lih In an attempt to answer the description of Lenin by...

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