Socialist Alternative


Harris’ Message to Guatemalan Migrants: “Do not come.”

In May, more than 180,000 migrants were taken into custody as they tried to...

Border Crisis: Detentions, Deportations, and Exploitation Continue Under Biden

On his first day in office, Biden signed seventeen executive orders, including a handful...

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End Trump’s Criminalization of Immigrants – Stop the Detention of Refugees and End the Deportations

After an outpouring of outrage Trump has been forced to back off one element...

Hunger Strike at the Northwest Detention Center

Thursday April 13, 50 people rallied outside of the Northwest Detention Center in support...

#FreeDaniel Protest in Seattle

Just two days after finding out that ICE detained Seattle resident Daniel Ramirez Medina...

Trump Prepares Mass Deportations: We Must Resist, March, Blockade, and Strike!

Just weeks into his inauguration, Trump’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency carried out...

Derrotemos los Ataques de la Derecha — ¡Derechos Plenos para los Inmigrantes!

English version El destino de millones de trabajadores indocumentados, para los que la amenaza de...

Defeat the Attacks of the Right – Full Rights for Immigrants

The fate of millions of undocumented workers for whom the threat of deportation had been lifted by President Obama’s executive order last November now rests with a three-judge panel in New Orleans.

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