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Cornel West

Cornel West’s Campaign Needs To Urgently Overcome Challenges

The longtime civil rights leader and left-wing intellectual Cornel West has been a welcome...

Debunking The “Spoiler Effect”

Democratic Strategists are beside themselves with lesser evilist apoplexy over Cornel West’s independent socialist...

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75,000 March In NYC For Climate Action

This past weekend, members from Socialist Alternative in New York City joined over 75,000...

Lessons From the Fight for Rent Control in Seattle

As in most American cities, working people in Seattle face an unprecedented housing affordability...

Students For Cornel West: Fighting Back Against The Billionaires & The Right Wing

When Trump was finally defeated in the 2020 election, millions of young and working...

The Enormous Potential Of Cornel West’s Independent Campaign For President

Fight The Right & The Billionaire Class In 2024 On June 5, activist and professor...

A Contested Legacy: Ralph Nader’s Challenge to the Two-Party System

The specter of Ralph Nader has haunted the Democratic Party throughout the final months...

Reflections on the Movement for Black Lives Convening in Cleveland

The Movement for Black Lives Convening in Cleveland, Ohio July 24-26 took place at...

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