Socialist Alternative


Was Corbyn “Too Far Left”? The Real Lessons of Britain’s Election for the U.S. Left

For socialists who want to see the right and its agenda defeated, the victory...

Understanding Britain’s Brexit Crisis

Britain's ongoing Brexit crisis has entered a new and spectacularly explosive phase. Prime Minister...

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Anti-Semitism: What It Is And How To Fight It

The storm of accusations against Jeremy Corbyn on the issue of anti-Semitism, while politically...

Corbyn’s Revolt: Five Lessons for the U.S. Resistance

Jeremy Corbyn, the left-wing leader of the British Labour Party who is often compared...

Lessons of the Brexit Vote

The following article was published in the July-August edition of Socialism Today. We are...

Corbyn victory Another Step to Transforming Labour

Three months ago 172 MPs - three quarters of the Parliamentary Labour Party -...

After the Brexit Referendum: Tories Out! General Election Now

Fight for a 24-Hour General Strike Originally published by the Socialist Party of England and...

Sanders Is Making the Establishment Sweat

Sanders says, and we agree, that “the only way we succeed is when millions of people stand up and decide to engage.” But what kind of engagement?

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