Socialist Alternative


Coronavirus in Russia: The “Old, Sick Wolf” Relaxes Lock-Down While Infection Rates Soar

Within days, Russia will have the second highest number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in...

Collapse of the Soviet Union: National Conflicts and Independence

The Stalinist system across Eastern Europe, particularly in the former Soviet Union proved incapable...

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How the Bolsheviks Treated the National Question

Rob Jones, Sotsialisticheskaya Alternativa (ISA in Russia) A century after the October revolution, the approach...

Chechnya: Kaydyrov Regime Accused of Detaining and Torturing Gay Men

Reports of gay men being detained, tortured and killed by officials under the control...

Russia: Twenty-Five Years Since the Coup Against Gorbachev

Decades of ‘shock therapy capitalism’, wars and corruption Rob Jones, CWI in Russia The incredible three...

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