Socialist Alternative

Sarah White

A Seattle Nurse International Women’s Day Speech

My name is Sarah White, I’m a nurse, I'm a socialist, and I’m mad as hell about what Trump and the Republicans want to...

Defeat the Right-Wing and Corporate Assault on Our Health Care!

President Trump and the GOP are hell bent on repealing Obamacare as one of Trump’s first acts in office. And though in the last...

Rebuffing Clinton’s Attacks on Single-Payer Health Care

Single-payer health care, according to presidential candidate Hillary Clinton “will never, ever come to pass.” With that sort of wet blanket approach during campaign...

Obamacare Upheld by Supreme Court

Even with the favorable court decision today, one thing is clear, we need a better system. Unions that organize health care workers should lead the way, mobilizing to defend working families from attacks like King v. Burwell and fighting for a universal health care system for all.

Ebola: Exposing the Chaos of Private Health Care

By Sarah White, Registered Nurse (RN) On Friday, September 25, 2014, my Uncle Thomas Eric Duncan went to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, Dallas. He had...